Prospective Parents & Students
NARIOP features academic coaching, mentoring, counseling, character building, leadership development and other empowering and enlightening activities.
Academic Coaches assist with students learning as well as communicating with schools and teachers if needed.
*Students are grouped homogeneously for academics. They assemble during lunch and recreation; all employees are responsible for lunch/recreation supervision.
*Student SUCCESS is our major focus.
Daily Activity Schedule
Students Arrive– 8:30 AM
Breakfast- 9:00 AM- 9:25 AM
Academic Block (Part I) 9:25 AM- 10:55 AM
Bathroom Break- 10:55 AM- 11:00 AM
Academic Block (Part II)- 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Lunch- 12:30 PM- 1:00 PM
Recreation Time- 1:00 PM- 1:55 PM
Bathroom Break- 1:55 PM- 2:00 PM
Mentoring & Empowerment- 2:00 PM- 3:30 PM
Student Dismissal -3:30 PM
(Discussions, video dealing with life lessons or Drop Everything and Read)
Students must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or an adult designated by parent or guardian. Parents/guardians and students are then engaged in an overview of the program, emphasizing the daily operations, student expectations and guidelines. Parents are encouraged to bring suspension documents from respective schools.